Learning Summary Week6


💟Learning Summary Week6💟

Computer Assisted Language Learning and English Language

Teaching in Thailand: Overview

Attapol Khamkhien

💙The Development of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

As for the development of CALL, Warschauer & Healey (1998) suggest that CALL can be generally categorized based on 3 teaching methodologies dominant in ELT

1. Behavioristic CALL         

    • the first phase of CALL It was introduced in the 1950s and implemented in the 1960s (the audio-lingual method was widely used)

 the computer serves as a vehicle for delivering instructional material.

 Most of CALL programs in this phase entailed repetitive language drills-and-practice activities.

2. Communicative CALL    

         • the second phase of CALL

         • It emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

     focus on using the language or functions rather than analysis of language forms.

        • computers provide context for students to use the language therefore, grammar is taught implicitly rather than explicitly, allowing and students create originality and flexibility in their output of the language.

3. Integrative CALL         

           the third phase of CALL (started in the 1990s.)

      • combination of sound, graphics, text, and video presented in one computerized program together with computer-mediated communication (CMC)

       • facilitates efforts to teach the four macro skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing (Hubbard, 2009).

                      the computer serves as a tool

💛Advantages and Disadvantages of CALL in Language Learning


• Students can have an opportunity to interact in one or more of the four core skills because activities such as problem-solving, information gap, language games, animated graphics are made available from CALL

• CALL allows learners to receive input, to use feedback to monitor their language, and to produce output that becomes input for other learners

• Computers can provide individual attention to learners and to choose activities or tasks that suit their individual learning styles.


Teachers need to learn about the implementation and application of CALL and how CALL can be integrated into Thai teaching situations or learning contexts.

• Computer technology should not completely replace the language classroom

• CALL might not be fully affordable and available to all institutions because of the relatively high cost of appropriate computer technology and efficient network system in class.

💜Educational CALL Programs and ELT in Thailand

          In response to the rise of the Internet, the Thai government has put a great effort to improve the quality of English language teaching in several aspects.

          1. Tutorial programs   

         - When the students answer, they receive immediate feedback.

       - Collecting, presenting and guiding information, teaching rules, as well as teaching problem-solving techniques to students.

2. Drill and Practice 

 -  provide appropriate practice and students can use their background knowledge of the lesson in order to answer questions as well as solve problems effectively.

 - The questions will be repeated many times

3. Demonstration teaching and learning through computer-based instruction

- They will gain more experience in meaningful contexts.

 - A rich learning environment for students to develop their abilities to think independently.

4. Games are used to provide a rich learning and teaching environment.

  - Students are able to gain knowledge about rules, processes as well as other skills from the games.

  - students can enjoy themselves while practicing their language


#sometimes are called entertaining games or edutainment.

5. Testing is a tool for assessment and a method to determine what students know and do not know.

  - Testing is used for helping students feel independent as the test format and structure are less formal than the traditional one.

6. Simulation or so-called problem solving

  - Aiming to raise students’ critical thinking, discussion skills and writing abilities. By using real life situations

    - Students are challenged to solve problems.




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Learning Summary Week 10